
Choose the Compac FillMaster for a refuelling solution that provides simple fuel management features to smaller sites.

FillMaster brings together the best of Compac’s Master pump and the Comfill. Utilising Compac’s latest technology, the FillMaster is an ideal solution for small to medium sized, in-house refuelling requirements.


  • Easy to setup
  • C5000 electronics
  • Stand alone pump (up to 2 hoses)
  • Authorisation options - Pin / HID / Card
  • Tank Gauging options - automatic or virtual
  • In-built Fuel Management, CompacOnsite - store user information, record transactions
  • Site data accessible via web browser with CompacOnsite - no fees required

Our pumps and dispensers are available from 40 to 400 lpm models:

Master Models  Pump   Dispenser 
One hose, one product, 40lpm MR40P MR40S
Two hoses, two products, 40lpm MMR40P MMR40S
One hose, one product, 80 lpm MR80P MR80S
Two hoses, two products, 80 lpm MMR80P MMR80S
One hose, one product, 160 lpm MR160P MR160S
Two hoses, two products, 160 lpm - MMR160S
Two hoses, two products, 160 lpm 
Side A, 80 lpm Side B
- MMR160/80S
One hose, one product, 400 lpm - MR400S

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